Monday, February 01, 2010

CraigsList Job Offers

Day one of job searching...

Looking for a job can be a chore. After all the main thing you are doing is 'selling yourself'.

Early this morning I happened upon the 'Jobs' category at Craigslist. I was surprised to find several recent listing in my area. We do after all have an unemployment rate of over 15%.

This opened my eyes to a number of things:
Job positions I had not thought of but would be good at,
Realizing how little I knew about job hunting online,
and How safe is the internet.

Ok, we've all heard the horror stories about women being killed after applying for jobs online. Several of the jobs I found posted I would really love and know I would be good at them. Will I apply? I'm not sure at this point.

I am thinking a 'secure' email address - one that will not contain any of my personal information and simply sending an inquiry letter requesting more information on the listed jobs. I am thinking I could include a brief message as to my concern/safety.

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