Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Summer - Not the time for the Computer

I just realized that I really have not been consistant in posting to my blog. Fact is there are a number of reasons for this but most of all I would say - IT'S SUMMER.

I don't know about you but I love being outside, digging in the garden, watching the birds and butterflies, discovering new flowers or veggies or hanging out at the pool or lake.

Granted that may seem like no big deal to some but hey - I live in Michigan and truth is we only get a few months of the year where we can truely enjoy the outdoors.

Afraid however in the process of enjoying the outdoors my computer has been negleted far more than normal and so has my activities on the Internet.

Although I have taken a bit of time to sign up with some new programs I honestly have not come across anything that really impressed me so not even going to bother reviewing them right now. Maybe in the fall when it's damp and chilly outside.

I have however moved into a new area of freelance writing. I've been assigned one blog to write to daily and another I'll be writing to a few times a month. I'm also looking forward to picking up another blog on travel in the near future - If I can't travel for real at least I will be able to vicariously through my writing.

Always looking forward to seeing my friends and readers around the Internet though and am always watching out for a familiar name, ID, or face.

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