Sunday, September 07, 2008

Streamlining Online

As some of my readers know I have been trying to do too much and not doing anything well. I am in the process of streamlining my work and activities load and one way of doing this is I will be closing down 2 blogs that I'm not able to post to regularly. Hopefully that will allow me more time to post here.

The second thing I am doing is cleaning up my Yahoo Group 'WorkingInYourPJs' - all members are required to receive mail or will be deleted from the membership. The idea is for advertising or promoting business opportunities but it won't work if everyone is posting and no one is reading. Writers please feel free to post links to your published articles so others can read and enjoy them.

To join please see the box on the left side of this page.

For some easy reading I would love to have you take a look at my latest article posted at Helium.

"How to care for a Rose of Sharon bush" - First of all let's get one thing perfectly clear a Rose of Sharon bush is not a rose bush but rather is in the Hibiscus family. Caring for a Rose o... READ MORE..

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